Effortless: HarperImpulse Contemporary Romance Page 2
Spurred on by his quiet demand, I followed him to the back patio and out into the yard. Goosebumps scattered themselves all over my arms when the brisk September breeze rushed through the night. I tried my best not to shiver.
“Look up.”
I snuck at peek at him first before turning my sights to the skies. A few clouds disrupted the various clusters of stars glittering overhead. I smiled, allowing the serenity of the moment to wash over me. There wasn’t too much light pollution from the city interfering, which was a nice surprise.
“Pick one,” he whispered.
I looked at him, confused. “A star?”
“Um,” I paused, staring into the heavens. They all winked at me, vying to be the one I chose. A particularly bright star caught my attention. I watched it for a few seconds to make sure it was actually a star and not a planet. Planets don’t twinkle.
“That one,” I said, pointing to the shiny one directly over our heads.
“Are you sure?”
I felt his body behind me, standing close. He hooked his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. “Which one is it again?”
Baffled and extremely amused by this little game we were playing, I pointed again towards the star. “See it?”
Raising his hand next to mine, he pointed with me. “That one?”
“Yes, Holden. It’s ri—”
Something glinted off his index finger. I squeezed my eyes shut and re-opened them to make sure I was actually seeing this. Yep. It was there. Instead of the star winking back at me, a diamond ring sparkled in its place. Were those emeralds in there too?
Oh. My. God.
“I figured it was time we made this official, yes?”
I don’t know if it was the accent, the smile or the way he was looking at me but I couldn’t form a complete thought. My no-relationships-non-dater just out romanced every other guy in the universe.
“I thought we weren’t doing rings.”
He shrugged. “I changed my mind.”
His expression was completely blank but his eyes flickered. I eyed the ring as though it wasn’t real. It looked vintage. The diamond was round and huge and surrounded by a halo of emeralds in a platinum setting. There were even diamonds on the band.
“It’s so beautiful,” I said, reaching up to touch his cheek.
Fiery passion ignited a glow in his eyes that I’d never seen before. Fisting his hand in my hair, he pulled me against his chest, kissing me with such fervor I couldn’t breathe. Gasping, he broke the kiss. “You are my everything.” His gaze, fringed by thick lashes, revealed an overwhelming vulnerability coupled with a never-ending intent to claim me.
Enclosed in his magnetic sphere, I took his hand and placed it over my heart. “Always.”
Swallowing hard, he slid the ring off his own finger and slipped it onto mine.
“Promise you’ll never leave.” His request hovered somewhere between a plea and an order. Knowing how hard it was for him to become emotionally attached to anyone, I ignored the slightly demanding tone.
“You’re stuck with me, chief. You couldn’t get rid of me if you tried.”
I lost myself in his intoxicating scent the second he pressed his forehead to mine. I loved this man so much. From the top of that gorgeous head of dark red hair down to his toes, he was perfection. And right now, surrounded by the sight and scent of him, all I wanted to do was…
His emerald eyes darkened a bit, giving me a rush. “What are you thinking about?”
“If you don’t know the answer to that question by now, then—”
He hovered his mouth over mine, essentially halting me from continuing. So help me, the level of seduction he operated at was out of this world. His come-hither stare and kissable sculpted mouth made my pulse race. He wasn’t even touching me, yet my skin warmed at the mere thought of it.
A devilishly hot grin pulled at his lips.
“I know, I know,” I breathed, too wrapped up in his sexually charged haze. “The look.”
“My favorite.”
A rush of anxiety surged through me, filling me with a sense of foreboding. I shoved it away as fast as possible but not before Alastair noticed.
“Hey,” he whispered. “None of that. You’re here with me now. You’re safe. I will never let him near you.”
“It’s not that, trust me,” I said, flicking my wrist to ward off the mention of my ex-boyfriend. “Can we go to bed now?”
Alastair studied me for several seconds to make sure I was really alright. I didn’t want him to worry over what was probably just my self-doubt rearing its ugly head at the most inopportune time.
Placing my hands on his chest, I smiled. He smiled back, melting my heart. “What do you want to do in bed?”
Nuzzling into my neck, he hugged me soundly, as though holding me in his arms was the only thing he was meant to do for the rest of his life. I wanted to bottle this moment up for as long as I could.
“You’re mine, Alastair,” I declared, tightening my arms around him.
“Always,” he said.
I stretched under the blankets as best I could, not wanting to disrupt Alastair’s vice-like grip on me. A delicious, satisfied soreness hummed between my legs and down my thighs. His gloriously naked body pressed into mine as he grunted in response to my movements.
“It’s not time to get up yet, is it?” he muttered in my ear.
“Almost. It’s just after six.”
I managed to free an arm and shut off the alarm on my phone before it buzzed. Alastair turned me so I faced him, opened a sleepy eye and grinned. “Good morning, beautiful.”
“Good morning, yourself. Did you sleep alright?”
“Never better.” He kissed my forehead, nose and cheeks before pulling me into his chest. The last thing I wanted to do was remove myself from this amazing cocoon of comfort. Pieces of his messy hair tickled me like they always did. Waking up with him never failed to put a smile on my face. It was one of the perks of us sharing a bed.
“You feel good,” he said, sliding his hand over my backside. And there was the other perk. “Come shower with me.”
Untangling his body from mine, he pushed back the blankets and stood up. I drank in every absolutely stunning naked inch of him. His toned, athletic physique was second to none. That body was made to please a woman and thank goodness I was on the receiving end. Lifting an eyebrow, he gazed down at me. “Look at you, all sexy and gorgeous on that bed.”
I stared at him through a lusty fog. “Why did you leave?”
“Good question.” He crawled back on the mattress. “You smell good,” he said, leaving a trail of kisses up my stomach. “So beautiful. And sweet.” Lacing his fingers through mine, he held both my hands over my head against the mattress. “And mine.”
I parted my lips, welcoming his kiss.
“I love this look,” he said with a note of satisfaction, “and seeing you this turned on.” He angled his head so his mouth hovered near my ear, making it easier for the velvet tone of his accent to slide through my bloodstream. “You’re always so ready for me. Tell me what you’re thinking about.”
Forming a coherent sentence wasn’t possible. Neither was breathing.
“Alastair,” I moaned, arching my back. “Stop talking.”
“And do what?”
“Whatever you want.”
Letting go of my hands, he wet his lips. On impulse, I nipped at the bottom one.
“Tempting,” he said, sitting up. “But what I’d like to do to you would make us both miss work and I have a full day of meetings.”
My expression must have dropped like a lead balloon. I sat up and pouted. Cupping my chin, he kissed me firmly. “Tonight.”
Something was off. I could see a subtle change in his demeanor.
The diamond shimmered o
n my finger as I stroked his cheek. “Is everything really okay with work after that board meeting?”
He tensed, retreating behind the all too familiar protective shield. “Mostly.”
“Talk to me.”
He’d made leaps and bounds in the sharing department but still hid behind the mask whenever he felt overwhelmed or flat out didn’t want to explain what was happening in his head. I brushed a few messy pieces of his hair back, waiting patiently for an answer.
“Just the usual, kitten. You know, the Holden way.”
I really didn’t know. I could only assume he was referring to his uncle.
Running both hands through his hair, he sighed. “Can we keep all talk of my family out of the bedroom? I’d rather this be a place for us to escape the outside world and lose ourselves in one another.” Tracing the edges of my lips, he aimed a white hot stare at me. I could tell he was agitated and didn’t want what little time we had together this morning to end on the wrong note.
“That sounds good to me,” I said, smiling. His expression softened, giving me that amazing, fluttery feeling in my stomach after breaking through his walls.
* * *
Alastair kissed me a little too long in the backseat of the Mercedes SUV after Paxton pulled to the curb in front of my building.
“I want you spend all day wondering about all the different things I’m going to do to you tonight,” he whispered on my lips. “I want you to anticipate every touch, every kiss, every move.”
I swallowed hard, glancing at the driver’s seat to see if Paxton heard any of that. He seemed oblivious, staring out the window.
“Amelia. Look at me.”
I met his heated stare and shifted on the leather seat. “This is the second time you’ve gotten me hot and bothered this morning without following through, Holden. I think you’re enjoying it.”
His sexy grin only made it more difficult for me not to tear off his expensive, three piece suit and have my way with him in the back of the car. Seeming to read my thoughts, he cupped my chin. “Control it. Channel what you’re feeling right now and save it for later. Just think how much more satisfying it will be.”
“You’re a piece of work,” I muttered, squeezing his thigh. “But I love you anyway.”
“I know.”
“That’s all you have to say?”
Eyes darkening, he angled his body closer to me. “What I feel for you is more powerful than love. It’s consuming and relentless.” Our lips brushed together briefly. “You will think of me all day and you will be just as overwhelmed by this feeling as I am.” His kissed me again, long and slow. “Go to work.”
Resigned to the fact that he’d captivated me with his words yet again, I climbed out of the car and walked into the building. Shaking myself out of this seductive haze proved to be challenging. I twisted my engagement ring around my finger as I rode up in the elevator. Since I wasn’t alone, I made it a point not to flash it out in the open. I waited until I was safely at my desk before admiring the way the diamond and halo of emeralds sparkled in the light. A smile tugged at my lips as I thought about what he had planned for me tonight.
“Lia.” Julian burst through the door, scaring the crap out of me. “I have to reschedule our lunch today. My apologies. I’ve been asked to give a quick talk at one of the schools for some…thing that I had no idea I was signed up for.”
His frown matched the dour look in his eyes.
“That’s okay. I’m sure we ca—”
“We’ll meet for cocktails after work tonight. I have a table at Pulse any time I need it. Be there at eight.”
There wasn’t time for me to give a response. He left too fast. Only the echo of his words lingered behind.
“Lunch? Cocktails? You’ve certainly managed to charm him.” Robbie leaned against the doorframe. “Can’t say he ever spent time outside the building with Gemma.”
Gemma? Oh, right. The person I replaced.
“Was she really that bad?”
Robbie walked in and left the door partially open.
“It’s not that she was bad, per se,” he said, sitting across from me. “She just didn’t have the temperament for Julian. As you know, he’s a handful but he’s not a horrible person. However, if you’re unlucky enough to land on his bad side it’s over.”
“You don’t have anything to worry about. If he’s offering you alcohol consider yourself bonded to him for life. Listen, while I’ve got your attention, I wanted to talk to you about the interview with Brent Garrison.”
My eyebrows shot straight up. I’d been so wrapped up in my personal utopia I’d forgotten about that. Plus, he owned Pulse, the destination that Julian tossed out for our cocktail meeting.
“You know him, right?”
“Uh, well, sort of,” I stammered, remembering our brief encounters all too well. “We’ve bumped into one another socially a few times.”
“You’re dating Alastair Holden so you will find yourself in the company of the city’s upper echelon.”
Keeping my hands hidden under the desk, I twisted the ring again. My personal life had been a hot topic at my former news station in Orlando thanks to the fact that Alastair’s company purchased our rival. But here? It was always on display no matter the circumstance. People were so curious about me and how I’d managed to tame Britain’s most eligible bachelor.
“Just so you know, Julian is ripe with questions for you. He’s been dying to have Alastair as a guest for ages. Tonight’s cocktail adventure could be his way of loosening you up.”
“He knows enough to back off when it comes to my relationship. Don’t worry about me.”
Once Robbie left my office I set to work. A couple of the correspondents stopped by to review their package scripts with me and discuss placement in the show. I’d managed to stack the first twenty minutes by lunchtime and ran the segments by Sam to get any needed feedback. So far, so good.
At one, I decided to take a break and grab something to eat. Plus, I had to call Stephanie and tell her the news. Even though we’d technically been engaged since July, Alastair and I had kept it between us. The summer had been such a stressful time for both of us that we decided to stay quiet until I was settled here and we were ready to let everybody else in on the secret.
I stopped myself mid-dial. My parents. I had to tell them first. And my sister. Lowering the phone back into the cradle I considered my options. It was early back home, barely past eight in the morning. My mother was probably having her third cup of coffee and debating whether or not to meet her circle of friends for a leisurely lunch. My dad was most certainly working. Even though he’d retired a few years ago he still did consulting work for the bank on the side.
I should do a video call. A small laugh escaped my lips. Trying to explain Skype to them would be nothing short of hilarious if I wanted to tell them face to face.
My dialing was interrupted a second time by a knock on my door.
“Sorry to bother you. These were just delivered.” Meredith walked in carrying a sizable bouquet of red roses.
“They’re lovely,” she said, placing them on the desk. “You’re quite lucky.”
Not saying anything further, she left. I searched for a card and found one nestled in with the baby’s breath.
If my calculations are correct, these will make you smile. Looking forward to tonight.
Yours, ARH xx
Oh no. Tonight. Dammit.
I grabbed the phone and dialed his office.
“Holden World Media.”
“Hi, Simone. It’s Lia. Is he busy?”
“Hold please.”
His assistant sounded miffed at my familiarity on the phone. Or maybe I was just being paranoid. I stroked the pretty petals while listening to some rather dire sounding hold music. They should probably play some of their own artists’ music instead of this, I thought, twisting the phone cord.
“Holden,” he answered, irritated.
I’m not bothering you, am I?”
“Amelia.” The desirous way he said my name gave me an unexpected rush. “Not at all, kitten. Did you get my special delivery?”
“I did. They’re beautiful.” I paused. “Is everything okay? You sound stressed.”
Silence permeated through the phone before he answered. “Everything’s fine. I’m about to go sit with the finance team so you caught me just in time.” He lowered his voice. “Have you been doing as I asked all day?”
The phone nearly slipped out of my hand from the tremor of yearning that shot through my body. I composed myself before lowering the boom about tonight. “Um, so, I’ve been invited out for cocktails tonight with Julian. Well, invited is too kind. He sort of told me it was happening and where and when to meet him.”
“Did he?” he asked, clearly annoyed. “What time?”
“Eight. He said he has a table at Pulse already reserved so—”
“Will Garrison be there?”
I could hear the scowl in his tone.
“Not that I’m aware of. Do you want to come with me?”
“This wasn’t quite what I had in mind for us,” he muttered. “I should stay here later seeing as you’ll be out. Maybe I could stop by around nine?”
“If you’re not too tired. Julian likes to harass you into appearing on the show every time he sees you.”
“I’m never too tired for you. Plan on seeing me at nine then.”
* * *
The taxi arrived to pick me up at quarter to eight. I gave my hair one last fluff and checked my lip-gloss. I’d read a little bit about Pulse and my impression was that it was fairly swanky. I did another quick check in the hall mirror at my black sparkly tank dress and was off.
As the cabbie drove me through Glasgow’s West End, I soaked in the city. Old world charm weaved itself through modern flair. It was loud. It was quiet. It was bright. It was romantic. This was certainly a far cry from the brightly colored print shirts and never-ending flip-flops that defined tourist central, otherwise known as Orlando, and I loved every last bit of it.
Pulse was located inside a large stone building. It looked rather nondescript on the surface, more like an old bank than an ultra lounge. From what I’d heard, Pulse had become quite the hot spot since Brent opened it over the summer. I noted with pride a glossy advertisement by the entrance that Stephanie had designed. She’d certainly found her calling, and her passion, with graphic design work.